- Protect and safeguard cultural and natural heritage
- Learning and educational opportunities
- Cultural participation/social inclusion
- Sustainable tourism
- Support research
- Employment (recruiting, training, safety)
- Energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions
- Waste management and reduction
- Transport (forms of, energy use)
- Commercial activities including copyright and IP
- Governance and management
- Security, disaster preparedness, risk reduction
- External partnerships and collaborations
- Publication/report
- Toolkit/framework/roadmap
- Case studies
- Video
- Initiative
UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-30

Intended Audience
Informal, non-formal and formal educators, institutions and policy makers.
- UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
“The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration is a rallying call for the protection and revival of ecosystems all around the world, for the benefit of people and nature. It aims to halt the degradation of ecosystems, and restore them to achieve global goals. Only with healthy ecosystems can we enhance people’s livelihoods, counteract climate change, and stop the collapse of biodiversity.
The UN Decade runs from 2021 through 2030, which is also the deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals and the timeline scientists have identified as the last chance to prevent catastrophic climate change.
The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed the UN Decade following a proposal for action by over 70 countries from all latitudes. View the resolution here.
Led by the United Nations Environment Programme and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, The UN Decade is building a strong, broad-based global movement to ramp up restoration and put the world on track for a sustainable future. That will include building political momentum for restoration as well as thousands of initiatives on the ground.
Through communications, events and a dedicated web platform, the UN Decade will provide a hub for everyone interested in restoration to find projects, partners, funding and the knowledge they need to make their restoration efforts a success.” (About the UN Decade)
Avaiable in
- Arabic
- Chinese
- English
- French
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish
The Decade is most closely linked to SDG targets around ecosystem and natural resource protection and restoration, as well as the participation by all sectors and people in sustainable development.
These include:
SDG 4.7 (Education for Sustainable Development), SDG 12.8 (lifestyles in harmony with nature), SDG 13.3 (climate change education and awareness), SDG 6.6 (protect water-related ecosystems), 6.A (support for developing countries in water-related activities), 6.B (involving local communities in water management), 9.5 and 14.A (enhancing scientific research), 10.2 (empowering social, economic and political inclusion of all), 11.4 (protection of natural and cultural heritage), 11.7 (safe, welcoming and inclusive public and green spaces), 14.1 (reducing marine pollution), 14.2 (protecting marine and coastal ecosystems), 14.3 (tackling ocean acidification), 14.4 (sustainable fisheries), 14.5 (coastal and marine protected areas), 15.1-15.5 (conservation and restoration of terrestrial ecosystems), 15.8 (managing invasive species), 15.9 (biodiversity values in planning), 15.A-C (mobilizing resources for conservation), 17.9 (capacity building), 17.16 and 17.17 (global and multistakeholder partnerships respectively).
The ten strategic actions align with the SDGs as follows:
1 (empowerment): 10.2, SDGs 6, 14, 15
2 (finance): 15A-C
3 (incentives): 15.9
4 (celebrate leadership): 17.16, 17.17
5 (behaviour change): 4.7, 12.8, 13.3
6 (research): 9.5, 14.B, 15.A-C
7 (capacity building): 17.9, 17.16, 17.17
8 (culture): 4.7, 12.8, 13.3
9 (build up the next generation): 4.7, 12.8, 13.3
10 (listen and learn): 17.16, 17.17
Click on the SDG Target to discover Our Collections Matter indicators
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Numbers of people in each type of programme drawing on collections from different demographic groups.
- Increases in numbers of people in each type of programme from different demographic groups.
- Proportion of people involved in such programmes in relation to overall audience size.
- Evidence that learners have acquired knowledge and skills to promote sustainable development.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Proportion of water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes in a good ecological condition.
- Information on, programmes relating to, and partnerships relating to water-related ecosystems drawing on collections and collections-based institutions in place, to support protection of these as effective nature-based solutions and ecosystem services.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Collections development to support sustainable water management and sanitation for all.
- Number of programmes for local communities directed towards water quality improvement and sanitation management.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Number and proportion of collections facilities that effectively support research and researchers.
- Number and proportion of staff who are appropriately skilled to undertake and support collections-based research.
- Expenditure on initiatives to enhance and upgrade collections facilities.
- Numbers of staff engaged in supporting and developing research use based on collections.
- Number of initiatives to encourage innovation drawing on collections.
- Increase in number of research and development workers per 1 million people.
- Increase in public and private research and development spending being used to develop and make use of collections.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Collections development to ensure that collections effectively meet the needs of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status.
- Number and proportion of educational and participatory programmes that promote participation irrespective of social or other status.
- Numbers and proportions of people making use of collections in relation to the demographic of the local population.
- Numbers and proportions of people involved in focused programmes aimed at promoting social, economic and political inclusion.
- Numbers and proportions of people from different demographic groups involved in decision-making processes relating to collections and collections-based institutions.
- Number and types of partnerships that build relationships with marginalized groups, individuals and communities.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Total expenditure (public and private) per capita spent on the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural and natural heritage, by type of heritage.
- Plans, policies and procedures in place for the safe use of collections for a variety of purposes, protecting and safeguarding both collections and those who use them.
- Plans, policies and procedures in place for the identification, safeguarding and protection of cultural and natural heritage at risk.
- Collecting programmes in place to protect, safeguard and make use of cultural and natural heritage, addressing the needs of communities and stakeholders, and ensuring that collections can be an effective resource for sustainable development.
- Number and diversity of educational, awareness-raising, research programmes, and partnerships that aim to strengthen protection of cultural and natural heritage.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Numbers of people accessing collecting institutions from different demographic groups, notably women, children, older people and persons with disabilities.
- Increases in numbers of people accessing collecting institutions from different demographic groups.
- Measures taken to remove barriers to access green and public spaces.
- Extent of green space provided by collections institutions.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development (including climate change education) are mainstreamed in (a) national education policies; (b) curricula; (c) teacher education; and (d) student assessment.
- Extent to which global citizenship education and education for sustainable development (including climate change education) are mainstreamed in formal, informal and non-formal education programmes and activities drawing on and related to collections.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Plans in place to enhance positive contributions to addressing climate change through use of collections. Plans in place to ensure collections, collections institutions and broader society can adapt effectively to climate change.
- Plans in place for effective education and awareness raising on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning.
- Plans in place to reduce negative contributions of collections-related functions, e.g. measuring greenhouse emissions with plans and targets in place to reduce them.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Number of collections-related programmes, for example research and education, that aim to reduce marine pollution.
- Quantity, and reduction, of waste of all sorts, with plans in place to eliminate waste of all sorts as soon as possible.
- Quantity, and reduction, of plastic waste, with plans in place to eliminate the production and release of plastic waste as soon as possible.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Proportion of marine and coastal areas in a good ecological condition.
- Numbers of educational and awareness-raising programmes, research activities, and partnerships drawing on collections aiming to support protection of marine and coastal areas.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Quantity and reduction of carbon emissions.
- Number of activities drawing on collections that support scientific activity to reduce ocean acidification.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Number of activities drawing on collections that support sustainable management of fisheries.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Number of collections-based activities that support designation, management and science for the protection of marine and coastal protection areas.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Number of collections-related activities that aim to increase scientific knowledge, and develop research capacity for the conservation and management of marine biodiversity, and to support its sustainable use.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Proportion of terrestrial and inland freshwater systems in a good ecological condition.
- Information on, educational programmes, collections development, research and partnerships relating to terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems drawing on collections in place.
- Policies relating to collections and their use aligned with international agreements for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Proportion of forests in a good ecological condition.
- Information on, programmes relating to, collections development, and partnerships relating to forests drawing on collections in place, to support their protection and effective functioning.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Proportion of soils and land area in a good ecological condition, with reference to desertification, drought and floods.
- Information on, programmes relating to, collections development, and partnerships relating to soils and land use (with reference to desertification, drought and floods) drawing on collections in place, to support their protection and effective functioning.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Proportion of mountain ecosystems, including their biodiversity, in a good ecological condition.
- Information on, programmes relating to, collections development, and partnerships relating to mountain ecosystems and their biodiversity drawing on collections in place, to support their protection and effective functioning.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Number and proportion of habitats, notably endangered habitats, and species with favourable conservation status, with special reference to locally, nationally and globally endangered species.
- Information on, programmes relating to, collections development, and partnerships relating to habitats and species drawing on collections in place, to support their protection and continued existence.
- Measures taken to enhance biodiversity value of green space associated with collections institutions.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Number and proportion of invasive alien species for which effective measures are in place to reduce their impact on land and water ecosystems.
- Information on, programmes relating to, collections development, and partnerships relating to invasive alien species, to support their effective management, and to prevent spread and impact.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Proportion and number of relevant plans, processes and strategies that incorporate ecosystem and biodiversity values, and their relationships with effective collections.
- Plans in place to ensure that development of collections facilities contributes to effective conservation and restoration of terrestrial ecosystems.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Revenue generated to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity and ecosystems.
- Direct financial support given to projects and organisations for conservation and/or sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystems.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Revenue generated to conserve and sustainably use forests, including conservation and reforestation, and that support local and Indigenous peoples.
- Direct financial support given to projects and organisations to conserve and sustainably use forests, including for conservation and reforestation, and that support local and Indigenous peoples.
- Other forms of support provided to projects and organisations to conserve and sustainably use forests, including for conservation and reforestation, and that support local and Indigenous peoples.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Policies and plans in place to ensure objects and specimens of protected species (for example ivory, rhino horn) in collections are protected against theft and do not enter supply chains.
- Policies and plans in place to ensure that objects and specimens are only acquired in line with national and international legislation, or with legal dispensation.
- Revenue generated to combat poaching and trafficking of protected species, and to support local communities to pursue sustainable livelihoods.
- Direct financial support given to projects and organisations to combat poaching and trafficking of protected species, and to support local communities to pursue sustainable livelihoods.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Number and diversity of international capacity-building activities to aid implementation of each and all of the SDGs.
- Number and diversity of North-South, South-South, and/or triangular co-operations and partnerships to aid implementation of each and all of the SDGs.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Number and/or increase in number, and diversity of global and international multi-stakeholder partnerships that share collection-related knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources to address the SDGs, or that otherwise involve collections-based organisations and institutions.
- Number and/or increase in number, and diversity of global and international multi-stakeholder partnerships involving developing countries that share collection-related knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources to address the SDGs.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Amount of United States dollars committed to public-private and civil society partnerships.
- Number and/or increase in number, and diversity of local, national and regional multi-stakeholder (public, public-private and civil society) partnerships that address the SDGs drawing on collections, or that otherwise involve collections-based organisations and institutions.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Number and type of programmes of all kinds that support international co-operation and capacity-building support to developing countries in water and sanitation-relation activities and programmes, including water harvesting, desalination, water efficiency wastewater treatment, recycling and reuse technologies.