SDG Targets SDG 1.1: Eradicate Extreme Poverty SDG 1.2: Reduce Poverty by at least 50% SDG 1.3: Implement Social Protection Systems SDG 1.4: Equal Rights to Ownership, Basic Services, Technology and Economic Resources SDG 1.5: Build Resilience to Environmental, Economic and Social Disasters SDG 1.B: Create Pro-Poor and Gender-Sensitive Policy Frameworks SDG 1.A: Mobilize Resources to Implement Policies to End Poverty SDG 2.1: Universal Access to Safe and Nutritious Food SDG 2.2: End All Forms of Malnutrition SDG 2.3: Double the Productivity and Incomes of Small-Scalefood Producers SDG 2.4: Sustainable Food Production and Resilient Agricultural Practices SDG 2.5: Maintain the Genetic Diversity in Food Production SDG 2.A: Invest in Rural Infrastructure, Agricultural Research, Technology and Gene Banks SDG 2.B: Prevent Agricultural Trade Restrictions, Market Distortions and Export Subsidies SDG 2.C: Ensure Stable Food Commodity Markets and Timely Access to Information SDG 3.3: Fight Communicable Diseases SDG 3.4: Reduce Mortality from Non-Communicable Diseases and Promote Mental Health SDG 3.5: Prevent and Treat Substance Abuse SDG 3.7: Universal Access to Sexual and Reproductive Care, Family Planning and Education SDG 3.8: Achieve Universal Health Coverage SDG 3.9: Reduce Illnesses and Death from Hazardous Chemicals and Pollution SDG 3.A: Implement the WHO Framework convention on Tobacco Control SDG 3.D: Improve Early Warning Systems for Global Health Risks SDG 3.1: Reduce Maternal Mortality SDG 3.2: End All Preventable Deaths Under 5 Years of Age SDG 3.6: Reduce Road Injuries and Deaths SDG 3.B: Support Research, Development and Universal Access to Affordable Vaccines and Medicines SDG 3.C: Increase Health Financing and Support Health Workforce in Developing Countries SDG 4.1: Free Primary and Secondary Education SDG 4.2: Equal Access to Quality Pre-Primary Education SDG 4.3: Equal Access to Affordable Technical, Vocational and Higher Education SDG 4.4: Increase the Number of People with Relevant Skills for Financial Success SDG 4.5: Eliminate all Discrimination in Education SDG 4.6: Universal Literacy and Numeracy SDG 4.7: Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship SDG 4.A: Build and Upgrade Inclusive and Safe Schools SDG 4.B: Expand Higher Education Scholarships for Developing Countries SDG 4.C: Increase the Supply of Qualified Teachers in Developing Countries SDG 5.1: End Discrimination Against Women and Girls SDG 5.2: End All Violence Against and Exploitation of Women and Girls SDG 5.5: Ensure Full Participation in Leadership and Decision-Making SDG 5.B: Promote Empowerment of Women Through Technology SDG 5.C: Adopt and Strengthen Policies and Enforceable Legislation for Gender Equality SDG 5.3: Eliminate Forced Marriages and Genital Mutilation SDG 5.4: Value Unpaid Care and Promote Shared Domestic Responsibilities SDG 5.6: Universal Access to Reproductive Health and Rights SDG 5.A: Equal Rights to Economic Resources, Property Ownership and Financial Services SDG 6.3: Improve Water Quality, Wastewater Treatment and Safe Reuse SDG 6.4: Increase Water-Use Efficiency and Ensure Freshwater Supplies SDG 6.6: Protect and Restore Water-Related Ecosystems SDG 6.B: Support Local Engagement in Water and Sanitation Management SDG 6.1: Safe and Affordable Drinking Water SDG 6.2: End Open Defecation and Provide Access to Sanitation and Hygiene SDG 6.5: Implement Integrated Water Resources Management SDG 6.A: Expand Water and Sanitation Support to Developing Countries SDG 7.2: Increase Global Percentage of Renewable Energy SDG 7.3: Double the Improvement in Energy Efficiency SDG 7.1: Universal Access to Modern Energy SDG 7.A: Promote Access to Research, Technology and Investments in Clean Energy SDG 7.B: Expand and Upgrade Energy Services for Developing Countries SDG 8.1: Sustainable Economic Growth SDG 8.2: Diversify, Innovate and Upgrade for Economic Productivity SDG 8.3: Promote Policies to Support Job Creation and Growing Enterprises SDG 8.4: Improve Resource Efficiency in Consumption and Production SDG 8.5: Full Employment and Decent Work with Equal Pay SDG 8.6: Promote Youth Employment, Education and Training SDG 8.7: End Modern Slavery, Trafficking and Child Labour SDG 8.8: Protect Labour Rights and Promote Safe Working Environments SDG 8.9: Promote Beneficial and Sustainable Tourism SDG 8.10: Universal Access to Banking Insurance and Financial Services SDG 8.A: Increase Aid for Trade Support SDG 8.B: Develop a Global Youth Employment Strategy SDG 9.1: Develop Sustainable, Resilient and Inclusive Infrastructures SDG 9.2: Promote Inclusive and Sustainable Industrialization SDG 9.4: Upgrade All Industries and Infrastructures for Sustainability SDG 9.5: Enhance Research and Upgrade Industrial Technologies SDG 9.A: Facilitate Sustainable Infrastructure Development for Developing Countries SDG 9.C: Universal Access to Information and Communications Technology SDG 9.3: Increase Access to Financial Services and Markets SDG 9.B: Support Domestic Technology Development and Industrial Diversification SDG 10.1: Reduce Income Inequalities SDG 10.2: Promote Universal Social Economic and Political Inclusion SDG 10.3: Ensure Equal Opportunities and End Discrimination SDG 10.4: Adopt Fiscal and Social Policies that Promotes Equality SDG 10.7: Responsible and Well-Managed Migration Policies SDG 10.5: Improved Regulation of Global Financial Markets and Institutions SDG 10.6: Enhanced Representation for Developing Countries in Financial Institutions SDG 10.A: Special and Differential Treatment for Developing Countries SDG 10.B: Encourage Development Assistance and Investment in Least Developed Countries SDG 10.C: Reduce Transaction Costs for Migrant Remittances SDG 11.1: Safe and Affordable Housing SDG 11.3: Inclusive and Sustainable Urbanization SDG 11.4: Protect the Worlds Cultural and Natural Heritage SDG 11.5: Reduce the Adverse Effects of Natural Disasters SDG 11.6: Reduce the Environmental Impact of Cities SDG 11.7: Provide Access to Safe and Inclusive Green and Public Spaces SDG 11.A: Strong Nation and Regional Development Planning SDG 11.B: Implement Policies for Inclusion, Resource Efficiency and Disaster Risk Reduction SDG 11.2: Affordable and Sustainable Transport Systems SDG 11.C: Support Least Developed Countries in Sustainable and Resilient Building SDG 12.2: Sustainable Management and Use of Natural Resources SDG 12.3: Halve Global Capita Food Waste SDG 12.4: Responsible Management of Chemicals and Waste SDG 12.5: Substantially Reduce Waste Generation SDG 12.6: Encourage Companies to Adopt Sustainable Practices and Sustainability Reporting SDG 12.7: Promote Sustainable Public Procurement Practices SDG 12.8: Promote Universal Understanding of Sustainable Lifestyles SDG 12.B: Develop and Implement Tools to Monitor Sustainable Tourism SDG 12.1: Implement the 10-Years Sustainable Consumption and Production Framework SDG 12.A: Support Developing Countries Scientific and Technological Capacity for Sustainable Consumption and Production SDG 12.C: Remove Market Distortions that Encourage Wasteful Consumption SDG 13.1: Strengthen Resilience and Adaptive Capacity to Climate Related Disasters SDG 13.2: Integrate Climate Change Measures into Policies and Planning SDG 13.3: Build Knowledge and Capacity to Meet Climate Change SDG 13.B: Promote Mechanisms to Raise Capacity for Climate Planning and Management SDG 13.A: Implement the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change SDG 14.1: Reduce Marine Pollution SDG 14.2: Protect and Restore Ecosystems SDG 14.3: Reduce Ocean Acidification SDG 14.4: Sustainable Fishing SDG 14.5: Conserve Coastal and Marine Areas SDG 14.7: Increase the Economic Benefits from Sustainable Use of Marine Resources SDG 14.A: Increase Scientific Knowledge, Research and Technology for Ocean Health SDG 14.C: Implement and Enforce International Sea Law SDG 14.6: End Subsides Contributing to Overfishing SDG 14.B: Support Small Scale Fishers SDG 15.1: Conserve and Restore Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecosystems SDG 15.2: End Deforestation and Restore Degraded Forests SDG 15.3: End Desertification and Restore Degraded Land SDG 15.4: Ensure Conservation of Mountain Ecosystems SDG 15.5: Protect Biodiversity and Natural Habitats SDG 15.6: Promote Access to Genetic Resources and Fair Sharing of the Benefits SDG 15.7: Eliminate Poaching and Trafficking of Protected Species SDG 15.8: Prevent Invasive Alien Species on Land and in Water Ecosystems SDG 15.9: Integrate Ecosystem and Biodiversity in Governmental Planning SDG 15.A: Increase Financial Resources to Conserve and Sustainably Use Ecosystems and Biodiversity SDG 15.B: Finance and Incentivize Sustainable Forest Management SDG 15.C: Combat Global Poaching and Trafficking SDG 16.1: Reduce Violence Everywhere SDG 16.2: Protect Children from Abuse, Exploitation, Trafficking and Violence SDG 16.3: Promote the Rule of Law and Ensure Equal Access to Justice SDG 16.4: Combat Organized Crime and Illicit Financial and Arms Flows SDG 16.5: Substantially Reduce Corruption and Bribery SDG 16.6: Develop Effective Accountable and Transparent Institutions SDG 16.7: Ensure Responsive, Inclusive and Representative Decision-Making SDG 16.10: Ensure Public Access to Information and Protect Fundamental Freedoms SDG 16.A: Strengthen Nation Institutions to Prevent Violence and Combat Terrorism and Crime SDG 16.B: Promote and Enforce Non-Discriminatory Laws and Policies SDG 16.8: Strengthen the Participation in Global Governance SDG 16.9: Provide Universal Legal Identity SDG 17.3: Mobilize Financial Resources for Developing Countries SDG 17.9: Enhance SDG Capacity in Developing Countries SDG 17.14: Enhance Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development SDG 17.16: Enhance the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development SDG 17.17: Encourage Effective Partnerships SDG 17.19: Further Develop Measurements of Progress SDG 17.1: Mobilize Resources to Improve Domestic Revenue Collection SDG 17.2: Implement All Development Assistance Commitments SDG 17.4: Assist Developing Countries in Attaining Debt Sustainability SDG 17.5: Invest in Least Developed Countries SDG 17.6: Knowledge Sharing and Cooperation for Access to Science, Technology and Innovation SDG 17.7: Promote Sustainable Technologies to Developing Countries SDG 17.8: Strengthen the Science, Technology and Innovation Capacity for Least Developed Countries SDG 17.10: Promote a Universal Trading System Under the WTO SDG 17.11: Increase the Export of Developing Countries SDG 17.12: Remove Trade Barriers for Least Developed Countries SDG 17.13: Enhance Global Macroeconomic Stability SDG 17.15: Respect National Leadership to Implement Policies for the Sustainable Development Goals SDG 17.18: Enhance Availability of Reliable Data SDG Targets Go