By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status.
Our collections matter indicators
Collections development to ensure that collections effectively meet the needs of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status.
Number and proportion of educational and participatory programmes that promote participation irrespective of social or other status.
Numbers and proportions of people making use of collections in relation to the demographic of the local population.
Numbers and proportions of people involved in focused programmes aimed at promoting social, economic and political inclusion.
Numbers and proportions of people from different demographic groups involved in decision-making processes relating to collections and collections-based institutions.
Number and types of partnerships that build relationships with marginalized groups, individuals and communities.
“The role of global citizenship education (GCED) is very relevant to the realization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The three areas of sustainability, namely economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection, rely on the contribution of informed citizens. Moreover, GCED...
“Hate speech is a centuries-old problem of acute concern that has gained new levels of traction globally as a result of the digital turn and rise of populism. Today, hatred is thriving, both online and offline, infringing on the individual and collective human rights and undermining social cohesion...
“The purpose of the AIATSIS Code of Ethics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research (the AIATSIS Code or this Code) is to promote ethical and responsible practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research in Australia, to increase the contribution of Indigenous knowledge to...
“Ever since individuals began to die from the disease (AIDS), memorials and monuments have been created and this photo essay charts the evolution of these from the 1980s to the present day, showing the variety of forms these have taken from informal, ephemeral and activist orientated endeavours to...
“One of the main achievements of COP-7 was the adoption (decision VII/16 F) of the Akwé: Kon guidelines, the voluntary guidelines for the conduct of cultural, environmental and social impact assessment regarding developments proposed to take place on, or which are likely to impact on, sacred sites...
“Museums consistently rank among the most trusted institutions in the US. Research commissioned by AAM in 2001 found almost 9 out of 10 Americans find museums to be trustworthy - and no other institution rated a similar level of trust… To test whether that trust has endured the challenges of the...
“Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS), the archives profession’s content standard, empowers archivists “to develop and document a description policy based on specific local knowledge and consistent application of professional judgement.” Archives for Black Lives in Philadelphia (A4BLiP)...
“The toolkit includes three primary components: a reflective section that examines issues and provides a set of principles for working towards community arts equity; examples of equity in practice that zoom in on the work of a variety of local practitioners in relation to 6 priority issues; and a...
“‘Sanctuary in the Arts’ is a resource pack to inspire, support and promote the use of arts in nurturing a culture and practice of welcome for people seeking sanctuary in the UK. This resource pack contains practical guidance on how your organisation can embed sanctuary in the arts and be part of a...
“An initiative of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute at Columbia University, Asia for Educators (AFE) is designed to serve faculty and students in world history, culture, geography, art, and literature at the undergraduate and pre-college levels.”
The website is created by the Asia Society for its bi-annual event ‘Arts and Museum Summit’. It contains recorded lectures and panel discussion videos on the latest arts and museum issues about and in Asia. The most recent summit was dedicated to the theme ‘Reimagining Museum Narratives in the 21st...
“This report examines each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and describes the outlook for achieving each one in the Asia-Pacific region. It singles out “bright spots” and “hot spots”, provides insights about each goal and points to emerging issues and reveals many of the common...