- Proteger y salvaguardar el patrimonio natural y cultural
- Oportunidades de aprendizaje
- Participación cultural/inclusión social
- Turismo sostenible
- Apoyo a la investigción
- Empleo (contratación, entrenamiento, seguridad)
- Consumo energético, emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero
- Manejo y reducción de desechos
- Transporte (formas, uso de energía)
- Actividades comerciales incluyendo derechos de autor y PI
- Governabilidad y gestión
- Seguridad, preparación ante desastres, reducción del riesgo
- Alianzas externas y colaboraciones
- Lesson plans
Contemporary Art Study - From Research and Archive to Art Making

Público objetivo
Primarily for teachers and educators teaching secondary or high school pupils. However, it has the potential to be applied by learning, outreach and participation team staff at other kinds of education and cultural institutions.
- L. Mau, Asia Art Archive
“This lesson plan explores how research and archive can be means to inspire art making and self-discovery.”
Disponible en
- English
- Chinese
Vínculos a los ODS
Educators and teachers of art can make use of this resource to teach their learners ways to make personal connections to contemporary art collections and promote their importance as a medium and a timely, relevant source of inspiration for performing further creative and reflection exercises in the present. Although no SDGs are mentioned in the resource, it helps users address SDG targets 4.1 (providing quality secondary education through an art archive), 4.7 (equip learners with knowledge and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to SDGs), 16.7 (make use of responsive and participatory decision-making approaches), 16.10 (public access to art archives through digitized collections), 17.17 (establish civil society partnerships between schools and archives).