Sustainable Climate Control and Lighting in Museums and Galleries

“Energy efficiency and sustainability are major issues in today’s economically challenged climate. They are particularly relevant to our ‘energy-hungry’ museum and gallery sector.
Increasingly, museums and galleries are looking for ways to reduce their operating expenses and carbon footprint and improve their long-term sustainability by using appropriate technologies, products and systems.
In developing this practical web-based guide, our goal is to assist museums and galleries to make informed decisions around viable, economically and environmentally sustainable methods of exhibition practice and collections care.” (p.5)
“Moreover, in this era of sustainability and energy use, best-practice expectations for building systems are also rapidly evolving. Museum and gallery facilities are under increasing pressure to reduce their environmental impact and be run more efficiently, whilst the objective to provide the optimum environment for exhibition display continues to be the key interest. There are also opportunities for museums and galleries to benefit from government initiatives to improve their facilities in all aspects whilst addressing the sustainability objectives.
With the above in mind, this document aims to form a practical Guide for museums and galleries discussing available technologies, methodologies and key trends in climate control and lighting. We have to assist museums and galleries in making informed decisions to improve their facilities to provide a more sustainable building environment, which holistically embraces and balances the necessities of visitor experience, collections care and energy performance.” (p.6)