New Playgrounds: an introduction to hacks in the arts

“This publication presents an introductory guide to hack events for the cultural sector. It examines some of the main types of culture hacks, what the benefits are for individuals and organisations taking part, the different approaches to engaging various communities and how to create the right environment. It details some of the essential ingredients that are required for success, and explains the rationale for common approaches.
The publication also presents a snapshot of the current culture hacking landscape in the UK through a series of case studies.
Hack events have been active in the cultural sector since 2007, and there is growing interest among cultural institutions and organisations in the benefits they offer. There are today a number of organisations who specialise in their delivery for the arts, several of which are profiled in this publication.
As a method, hack events have emerged from the world of digital culture, and for many in the cultural sector they remain an unfamiliar way of working. Ultimately, this publication aims to make hack events more accessible and to enable more people to benefit from what they have to offer.” (p.4)