Mainstreaming the Sustainable Development Goals: a results framework for galleries, libraries, archives and museums

“This resource has been developed to help galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAM) mainstream sustainable development into their planning and operations, by using the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their targets.” (p.6)
‘Mainstreaming’ means:
• empowering everyone who works in galleries, libraries, archives and museums to connect their work to the Sustainable Development Goals, and to use them as they are intended to be used
• empowering everyone who makes use of galleries, libraries, archives and museums to take part in sustainable development and the SDGs
• directing existing and new actions towards the SDGs, by embedding them in policies and plans, and removing trade-offs and any activity that impedes sustainable development
• focusing on real results that help achieve the SDGs and a better future
• fostering a culture of transparency, that directs activity towards sustainable development, and reports and communicates progress, and challenges, openly and honestly to a wide range of stakeholders
• working effectively with others, including other GLAM, GLAM networks, external partners, NGOs, community groups, and people as individuals
• strengthening coherence, including vertical coherence for participation, planning and reporting purposes, and horizontal coherence between individuals, departments, GLAM, and with other sectors, to align GLAM activity to support sustainable development more effectively.” (p.7)