- Protect and safeguard cultural and natural heritage
- Learning and educational opportunities
- Cultural participation/social inclusion
- Sustainable tourism
- Support research
- Employment (recruiting, training, safety)
- Energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions
- Waste management and reduction
- Transport (forms of, energy use)
- Commercial activities including copyright and IP
- Governance and management
- Security, disaster preparedness, risk reduction
- External partnerships and collaborations
- Publication/report
- Sign-post to other resource (database)
ICOM Red Lists of Cultural Objects at Risk

Intended Audience
“The Red Lists are freely available in digital format, while booklets are distributed primarily to law enforcement agencies. Everyone involved in the trade or protection of cultural objects is invited to consult and disseminate the Lists in order to maximise the use and impact of this internationally recognised tool.”
- International Council of Museums (ICOM)
“The ICOM Red Lists of Cultural Objects at Risk are practical tools to curb the illegal traffic of cultural objects. Red Lists present the categories of cultural objects that can be subjected to theft and traffic. They help individuals, organisations and authorities, such as police or customs officials, identify objects at risk and prevent them from being illegally sold or exported.”
Avaiable in
- English
- French
- Spanish
- Arabic
- German
- Chinese
- Khmer
- Pashto
- Portuguese
- Swedish
- Thai
- Turkish
- Urdu
The resource can be used to support activity for several targets in goal 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions), including 16.3 (promoting the rule of law), 16.4 (combatting illicit flows, strengthening the recover and return of stolen assets, and combating all forms of organized crime), 16.5 (reducing bribery and corruption), 16.6 (effective, accountable and transparent institutions), 16.10 (supporting fundamental freedoms) and 16.A (strengthening national institutions through co-operation to build capacity to prevent violence, terrorism and crime). Combatting illicit trade in objects made from protected species supports SDGs 15.7 and 15.C. These help support 11.4 (protect the world’s cultural and natural heritage) and 1.4 (ensuring people have access to property and inheritance, which would include cultural heritage).
Click on the SDG Target to discover Our Collections Matter indicators
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Numbers and proportions of people from particular groups using collections in comparison with demographics in broader society.
- Numbers of people accessing collections.
- Number of targeted programmes that aim to enhance access to collections by disadvantaged groups.
- Sustainable tourism that enhances local communities’ access to basic services, ownership and control over land and other forms of property (including cultural and natural heritage), as well as to technology and markets.
- Involvement of people from disadvantaged groups in decision-making activities and processes relating to collections and collections-based institutions.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Total expenditure (public and private) per capita spent on the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural and natural heritage, by type of heritage.
- Plans, policies and procedures in place for the safe use of collections for a variety of purposes, protecting and safeguarding both collections and those who use them.
- Plans, policies and procedures in place for the identification, safeguarding and protection of cultural and natural heritage at risk.
- Collecting programmes in place to protect, safeguard and make use of cultural and natural heritage, addressing the needs of communities and stakeholders, and ensuring that collections can be an effective resource for sustainable development.
- Number and diversity of educational, awareness-raising, research programmes, and partnerships that aim to strengthen protection of cultural and natural heritage.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Policies and plans in place to ensure objects and specimens of protected species (for example ivory, rhino horn) in collections are protected against theft and do not enter supply chains.
- Policies and plans in place to ensure that objects and specimens are only acquired in line with national and international legislation, or with legal dispensation.
- Information on, programmes relating to, collections development, and partnerships relating to poached and trafficked species, notably protected and endangered species, to end poaching and trafficking.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Policies and plans in place to ensure objects and specimens of protected species (for example ivory, rhino horn) in collections are protected against theft and do not enter supply chains.
- Policies and plans in place to ensure that objects and specimens are only acquired in line with national and international legislation, or with legal dispensation.
- Revenue generated to combat poaching and trafficking of protected species, and to support local communities to pursue sustainable livelihoods.
- Direct financial support given to projects and organisations to combat poaching and trafficking of protected species, and to support local communities to pursue sustainable livelihoods.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Collections development that relates to the rule of law, equality before the law, and justice for all.
- Number of activities drawing on collections, for example educational, research and partnership activities, that promote the rule of law at national and international levels, and that promote a culture of lawfulness, and the right of all to justice.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Identification of stolen assets, return of stolen assets.
- Collections development, education, awareness-raising and partnership activities relating to organized crime, with a view to combatting organized crime everywhere.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Policies and plans in place to ensure transparent decision-making, and reduce opportunity for corruption and bribery.
- Staff training in place to develop awareness of professional responsibilities in relation to corruption and bribery.
- Procedures in place to deal with any instances of corruption or bribery, in line with national considerations.
- Collections development, education, awareness-raising and partnership activities relating to corruption and bribery, with a view to combatting corruption and bribery everywhere.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Proportion of the population [audience/users/non-users] satisfied with their last experience of public services.
- Access to information, and accountability policies and mechanisms, in place.
- Effective institutional arrangements, both for own working and for working in partnership with other sectors, in place.
- Plans and arrangements in place for extraordinary circumstances such as natural and human-caused disasters.
- Effective arrangements in place to fulfil legal and social obligations and responsibilities.
- Effective arrangements in place for transparent communication and reporting of institutional performance.
- Effective arrangements in place for transparent decision-making and accountability.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Adopt and implement constitutional, statutory and/or policy guarantees for public access to information.
- Plans in place, and plans implemented to enhance public access to information relating to collections.
- Plans in place, and plans implemented to support fundamental freedoms, in line with human rights, national and international agreements and legislation.
- Plans and procedures in place for public access to information relating to the operation and management of collections-based institutions.
- Complaint mechanism in place for public to use where public access to information and fundamental freedoms not supported or fulfilled.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Effective relationships in place between national organisations and crime reduction agencies.
- Finances in place to support national initiatives to combat terrorism, crime and/or violence in relation to collecting institutions.
- Policies and plans in place to prevent and/or reduce the risk of violence, terrorism or crime in relation to collecting institutions.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Number and/or increase in number, and diversity of global and international multi-stakeholder partnerships that share collection-related knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources to address the SDGs, or that otherwise involve collections-based organisations and institutions.
- Number and/or increase in number, and diversity of global and international multi-stakeholder partnerships involving developing countries that share collection-related knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources to address the SDGs.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Amount of United States dollars committed to public-private and civil society partnerships.
- Number and/or increase in number, and diversity of local, national and regional multi-stakeholder (public, public-private and civil society) partnerships that address the SDGs drawing on collections, or that otherwise involve collections-based organisations and institutions.