Communicating climate change: A practitioner’s guide Insights from Africa, Asia and Latin America

“This guide shares tips for communicating climate change effectively. It is intended for communications practitioners and other champions of climate action working in developing countries. If you have ever tried to explain to colleagues in your organisation, policy-makers, or the broader public how the climate is changing, how it affects them, and what they can do about it, then this guide is for you. Whether you are in government, business, civil society or academia, when we refer to ‘climate communicators’, we are talking about you!
This guide is focused on climate communications in developing countries because a large amount has already been written and debated on how best to communicate climate issues in industrialised countries. A large, body of literature centres on convincing a sceptical or apathetic public in North America, Europe or Australasia of the reality of climate change. This guide is written by CDKN’s Knowledge Management and Communications staff, who have been working, by contrast, in dozens of low-and middle-income countries in South Asia and Southeast Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean since 2010. Our communications have aimed to raise awareness of:
• the physical science of climate change;
• the impacts of climate change on poverty and development;
• the potential for building resilience to climate change; and
• the opportunities of embracing a low-emission economy.
Further tips on engaging with developing country public and policy audiences have been contributed by colleagues in research programmes” (p.4)