Addressing global citizenship education in adult learning and education (summary report)

“The role of global citizenship education (GCED) is very relevant to the realization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The three areas of sustainability, namely economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection, rely on the contribution of informed citizens. Moreover, GCED requires a lifelong learning perspective, beginning in early childhood and continuing through all levels of education into adulthood, including both formal and informal approaches.
While GCED is already being promoted in schools and formal education, and progress has been made, further efforts are needed to involve all relevant stakeholders. Policy-makers, researchers and practitioners need to be made aware of the importance of GCED in lifelong learning and in non-formal learning and education, focusing on adult learning and education in a range of areas, including peace promotion, conflict prevention, inclusion and social cohesion” (p.5)