Kyoto National Museum Social Sustainability Initiatives

“Declaration: A Museum Dedicated to Social Sustainability
We hereby declare a new guiding museum philosophy of social sustainability in accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), based on discussions held at the ICOM Kyoto 2019 General Conference on the topic "Creating Sustainable Futures through Museums." While recognizing the individual ideas, values, and intellectual independence of our staff members, we collectively commit to addressing the following issues:
1. Taking measures to further environmental conservation. We recognize that the preservation and exhibition of cultural properties in museums is closely related to the reduction of energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, the securing of resources required for the conservation of cultural properties, and other matters closely associated with the global environment.
2. Bettering human health and happiness by enhancing the museum experience for our visitors and improving the workplace environment for our staff.
3. Rectifying inequalities through improved social inclusion and equity in our visitor services.”