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SDG Tracker

“Our World in Data’s SDG Tracker is a free, open-access resource where users can track and explore global and country-level progress towards each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals through interactive data visualizations. This resource is kept up-to-date with all of the latest data across all of the 17 Goals.


In 2015 the world set a new sustainable development agenda, pledging within the United Nations (UN) to achieve 17 development goals by 2030: The Sustainable Development Goals (also known as The Global Goals). Ranging from eradicating poverty, to ensuring clean energy for all, to reaching sustainable levels of consumption, the array of targets across these goals were selected to drive our efforts in the 15 years up to 2030.


The breadth of the 17 goals, their 169 targets and 232 indicators mean all countries face a significant challenge (domestically, as well as internationally) in delivering these commitments. This inclusiveness was also intended to extend beyond national-level contributions; the scope of the SDGs should mean that everyone has a role to play. This extends from policymakers, through researchers, teachers, businesses, and the general public.


Engagement with the SDGs and their potential requires us to tell stories: the narratives of lives across the world as they are now, and what we aspire for them to be. Beyond that, we need to understand how everyone’s stories weave together to provide a landscape of living conditions across the world. To explore where we are now, and how far we have to go by 2030, we need interactive and engaging data. Metrics must be specific to the SDG indicators, but presented in such a way that everyone can engage.


As an integrated project of Our World in Data, we therefore built this SDG Tracker — an open-access project to track the latest data across all of the 17 SDGs. This serves an interactive hub where users can explore and track progress across all of the SDG indicators for which there is data available.”