- Protect and safeguard cultural and natural heritage
- Learning and educational opportunities
- Cultural participation/social inclusion
- Sustainable tourism
- Support research
- Employment (recruiting, training, safety)
- Energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions
- Waste management and reduction
- Transport (forms of, energy use)
- Commercial activities including copyright and IP
- Governance and management
- Security, disaster preparedness, risk reduction
- External partnerships and collaborations
- Risk calculator tool
Quick Risk Estimation Tool (QRE)

Intended Audience
Local governments and other actors working to build resilience in towns and cities
“A tool to identifying and understanding current and future risks / stress / shocks and exposure threats to both human and physical assets. The Quick Risk Estimation (QRE) tool has been designed for the purposes of identifying and understanding current and future risks / stress / shocks and exposure threats to both human and physical assets. The QRE Tool is not a full scale risk assessment, rather a multi-stakeholder engagement process to establish a common understanding. Taking into account the actions or corrective measures already undertaken, the QRE will produce a dashboard-style risk assessment advising the risks and hazards to human and physical assets, impacts of identified main risks and associated perils on the specified location and/or particular asset.
The QRE tool uses the hazards classification outlined by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR). The hazard indicators included in the QRE tool are aligned to the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 - 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals.”
Avaiable in
- English
- Mongolian
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish
- Thai
The resource is most closely related to SDGs around Disaster Risk Reduction and planning. It can be applied to either the institution, or to the community. In terms of applying the resource to the institution, this will relate to the following SDG targets: 3.D (early warning in relation to health risks), 9.1 (resilient infrastructure), 11.4 (strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard cultural and natural heritage), 11.5 (reduce the impact of disasters), 11.B (Implement policies for inclusion, resource efficiency and disaster risk reduction), 12.8 (information for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature), 13.1 (Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate related disasters), 13.3 (Build knowledge and capacity to meet climate change), 13.B (inclusive climate action in developing countries) and 16.6 (effective, accountable and transparent institutions).
Click on the SDG Target to discover Our Collections Matter indicators
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Number of collecting initiatives that aim to build capacity for risk reduction to national and global health risks, for example by storing and preserving collections that may be of use in post-disaster scenarios, or that can be used in early warning and risk communication activities.
- Number of educational programmes incorporating perspectives on early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks.
- Number of awareness raising programmes that target marginalized and vulnerable groups most exposed to health risks.
- Plans in place for early warning, risk reduction and management to national and global health risks.
- Relationships and partnerships in place for risk reduction and management in light of national and global health risks.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Development of research-useful collections to support reliable, sustainable and resilient use by researchers and others.
- Number and proportion of collections facilities and stores that support economic development and human well-being.
- Number and proportion of collections facilities and stores that provide affordable and equitable access for all.
- Investment in collections facilities.
- Inclusion of collections information in regional and transborder initiatives, notably via digital access for discoverability.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Total expenditure (public and private) per capita spent on the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural and natural heritage, by type of heritage.
- Plans, policies and procedures in place for the safe use of collections for a variety of purposes, protecting and safeguarding both collections and those who use them.
- Plans, policies and procedures in place for the identification, safeguarding and protection of cultural and natural heritage at risk.
- Collecting programmes in place to protect, safeguard and make use of cultural and natural heritage, addressing the needs of communities and stakeholders, and ensuring that collections can be an effective resource for sustainable development.
- Number and diversity of educational, awareness-raising, research programmes, and partnerships that aim to strengthen protection of cultural and natural heritage.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Collections-based research that supports the understanding and management of disasters of all kinds.
- Plans in place for public education and awareness drawing on collections and collections-based institutions to reduce exposure and vulnerability to disasters of all kinds.
- Plans in place to ensure collections-based institutions steadily work to reduce their contributions to disaster risk, for example by reducing pollution and waste of all kinds.
- Plans in place to ensure collections-based institutions, and people related to them (including workers) are protected from economic losses as a result of disasters.
- Plans in place to provide special support/protection to poor and vulnerable people and groups in and following disasters.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Proportion of local governments that adopt and implement local disaster risk reduction strategies in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030a.
- Disaster Risk Reduction strategies and plans in place, in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, to ensure collecting institutions and collections are factored into planning, and contribute effectively to Disaster Risk Reduction.
- Collections-based institutions included in local plans for social inclusion, resource use, and Disaster Risk Reduction.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development (including climate change education) are mainstreamed in (a) national education policies; (b) curricula; (c) teacher education; and (d) student assessment.
- Extent to which global citizenship education and education for sustainable development (including climate change education) are mainstreamed in formal, informal and non-formal education programmes and activities drawing on and related to collections.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Plans in place for near and longer term to withstand and actively adapt to climate-related hazards and natural disasters.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Plans in place to enhance positive contributions to addressing climate change through use of collections. Plans in place to ensure collections, collections institutions and broader society can adapt effectively to climate change.
- Plans in place for effective education and awareness raising on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning.
- Plans in place to reduce negative contributions of collections-related functions, e.g. measuring greenhouse emissions with plans and targets in place to reduce them.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Number of initiatives (educational, awareness-raising, research, and/or partnerships) drawing on collections and collections-based institutions that build capacity for climate change planning and management in least developed countries and small island developing States.
- Number of targeted initiatives drawing on collections and collections-based institutions aimed at building capacity for women, youth and local and marginalized communities in least developed countries and small island developing States.
Our Collections Matter indicators:
- Proportion of the population [audience/users/non-users] satisfied with their last experience of public services.
- Access to information, and accountability policies and mechanisms, in place.
- Effective institutional arrangements, both for own working and for working in partnership with other sectors, in place.
- Plans and arrangements in place for extraordinary circumstances such as natural and human-caused disasters.
- Effective arrangements in place to fulfil legal and social obligations and responsibilities.
- Effective arrangements in place for transparent communication and reporting of institutional performance.
- Effective arrangements in place for transparent decision-making and accountability.