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Poverty Footprint: A people-centred approach to assessing business impacts on sustainable development

“The Poverty Footprint is part of a collaborative initiative between the United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact) and Oxfam International (Oxfam) to help companies – working in collaboration with a civil society organization (CSO) partner – to understand the impacts of their operations and value chain on people and poverty, and to turn this learning into action. The tool also takes a multidimensional view of poverty – which when suitably measured – presents a more complete picture of poverty than the income indicator alone.


The value of the Poverty Footprint is its ability to provide business and CSOs with the framework to partner and learn where and how a company impacts poverty, leading to recommendations for action. It provides the roadmap for partners to define steps to minimize negative impacts and enhance positive contributions to poverty eradication, and to develop pro-poor business models that drive development and potentially business growth”