GreenComp European Sustainability Competence Framework

“To protect the health of our planet and our public health, it is crucial to integrate sustainability into our education and training systems. Education and training enable learners to develop competences and acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to truly value our planet and take action to protect it. This will help achieve the transition to a fairer, greener economy and society. To this end, and among other priorities, the European Commission has made learning for environmental sustainability a priority for the upcoming years.
Following successful initiatives to foster competence-based education for lifelong learning in the past years, the Commission has developed this European Sustainability Competence Framework, GreenComp, as announced in the European Green Deal. The Member States of the European Union have already begun incorporating sustainability concepts into academic and vocational curricula.
Building on this work, GreenComp can support all educators and learners in embedding environmental sustainability topics into all educational systems and curricula in Member States.
Our aim is to provide a shared competence frame work on sustainability at European level as a com mon basis to guide both educators and learners. Building a common understanding on sustainability can act as a catalyst for action. GreenComp draws on the advice and consensus of numerous experts and stakeholders. The Commission encourages Member States to use it as a reference when rolling out educational initiatives on sustainability.” (p.1)