Children as Agents of Positive Change: A mapping of children’s initiatives across regions, towards an inclusive and healthy world free from violence

“The following report provides an overview of the different actions taken forward by children mostly in times of COVID-19, but not limited to it. It looks at children’s diverse roles when helping to prevent, address, and report violence (including supporting their peers); it helps to understand how children are contributing and being part of the solutions when thinking about building back better, and how children are helping accelerate fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It showcases how children are collaborating with adults and with decision makers, and how children are proving to be agents of change. The report also addresses the many challenges organizations and children have faced in times of COVID-19, including those posed by digital channels when taking forward participation, reaching the hardest to reach, and having regular communication with children disrupted. Finally, based on the findings from the different experiences analyzed, this report provides key recommendations to support children's participation and civic engagement.” (p.4-5)