Low Carbon Retrofit Toolkit

“The aim of this Toolkit is to identify the barriers limiting the uptake of low carbon retrofit in the market place and provide a ‘low carbon retrofit roadmap’ to help overcome these, supported by BBP member case studies. Through a series of interviews with property professionals and industry representatives the following five key barriers emerged:
- Commercial – failure to provide a compelling business case for investment in retrofit and the inherent split incentive between owners and occupiers.
- Roles and Processes – no designated role within an organisation with the responsibility and authority to identify, plan and deliver energy saving and carbon reduction interventions. Additionally, the lack of any clearly defined approvals process or evaluation criteria.
- Financial – lack of availability of capital funds.
- Technology – skills shortage, immature technologies, supply chain failure, building and operational constraints, lengthy pay back periods.
- Policy – lack of regulation or incentives for action. Insufficient focus by policy makers on existing building stock compared to new build.”