Via Campesina UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (book of illustrations)

“The core of the Declaration centres on the right to land, seeds and biodiversity, as well as several ‘collective rights’ anchored in Food Sovereignty. Food Sovereignty is the peoples’ right to determine their food and agricultural systems and the right to produce and consume healthy and culturally appropriate food.
Aside from having a unique article devoted to their obligations, the UN Declaration also establishes in each article, a series of obligations and recommendations for member states. These articles in the Declaration explain not only the rights of peasants but also the mechanisms and instruments for states to ensure them. The onus now lies upon the member states of the UN, social movements, and civil society in every corner of the world to adapt and implement this Declaration in different national contexts.
The Book of Illustration that we present here explores the several aspects of this UN Declaration. Through compelling visuals that were carefully crafted by Sophie Holin, a young activist and supporter of La Via Campesina, this book aims to popularise the contents of the UN Declaration and spread awareness about it among rural communities.” (p.5-6)