Museums and Creative Industries Toolkit

“Museums and creative businesses are increasingly working together in Northern Ireland today, as the creative industries grow and museums get more ambitious.
Museums are commissioning artists and makers to help reinterpret their collection and using digital media developers to produce audio guides and apps.
Meanwhile, creative businesses are buying services from museums: film companies are using museums as locations and designers are drawing on museum collections for inspiration.
And creative businesses and museums are collaborating, for example using museums as venues for performances or jointly developing new products.
But there is more that could be done. We know that museums want to commission more projects from the creative industries to bring their collections to life, and we know that more creative businesses would like to be able to draw on the unique resources that museums have to offer. NIMC wants to help these relationships to grow and prosper.
We have developed a series of ‘how-to’ guidance sheets to help museums and creative businesses work together successfully. From developing ideas, through to finding partners and building relationships, to overcoming practical and contractual hurdles, these guidance sheets will make it easier for museums and creative businesses to work together.”
The benefits of museums working with the creative industries are identified as:
- Increasing use of museum collections
- Increasing use of the building
- Increasing use of museum expertise
- Reaching new audiences
- Raising the profile of the museum
- Generating income
(from Guidance note 2)