- Proteger y salvaguardar el patrimonio natural y cultural
- Oportunidades de aprendizaje
- Participación cultural/inclusión social
- Turismo sostenible
- Apoyo a la investigción
- Empleo (contratación, entrenamiento, seguridad)
- Consumo energético, emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero
- Manejo y reducción de desechos
- Transporte (formas, uso de energía)
- Actividades comerciales incluyendo derechos de autor y PI
- Governabilidad y gestión
- Seguridad, preparación ante desastres, reducción del riesgo
- Alianzas externas y colaboraciones
- Toolkit/framework/roadmap
Learning for Well-being: the essentials
- Learning for Well-being Foundation
“The Learning for Well-being approach is based on a living systems perspective, using nature as its underlying model.”
Disponible en
- English
Vínculos a los ODS
The resource is most closely related to SDGs around education and participation for young people, including SDGs 1.4 (access to basic services), 1.5 (build resilience), 3.4 (promote health and wellbeing), 4.5 (remove barriers in education), 4.7 (education for sustainable development), 4.A (effective learning environments), 5.1 (end discrimination based on gender), 5.5 (promoting leadership for women and girls), 6.B (community involvement in managing water resources), 9.1 (resilient infrastructure), 10.2 (universal inclusion), 10.3 (reduce inequalities of outcome), 11.7 (safe and inclusive public spaces), 11.B (integrated policies, including for inclusion), 12.8 (information for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature), 13.3 (climate education and action), 16.6 (effective, accountable and transparent institutions), 16.7 (participatory decision making), 16.10 (fundamental freedoms), 16.B (promote laws and policies for sustainable development), 17.16 and 17.17 (global and more local partnerships).