- Proteger y salvaguardar el patrimonio natural y cultural
- Oportunidades de aprendizaje
- Participación cultural/inclusión social
- Turismo sostenible
- Apoyo a la investigción
- Empleo (contratación, entrenamiento, seguridad)
- Consumo energético, emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero
- Manejo y reducción de desechos
- Transporte (formas, uso de energía)
- Actividades comerciales incluyendo derechos de autor y PI
- Governabilidad y gestión
- Seguridad, preparación ante desastres, reducción del riesgo
- Alianzas externas y colaboraciones
- Publication/report
Greening Libraries Report

Público objetivo
Librarians, library staff members, researchers and other related professionals in the library and information science field
- J. Garner, K. Garrison, S. Wardle, K. Bell and S. Redshaw, Charles Sturt University, Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA)
“The report aims to highlight examples of best practice and inform the creation of a toolkit for libraries to help them support environmental action, further the greening libraries movement as well as exemplify sustainability practices that are consistent with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.” (P.5)
Disponible en
- English
Vínculos a los ODS
This resource presents the efforts by several libraries in Australia and one library in the US in ‘greening’, which includes aspects from building maintenance to community engagement. This helps address SDG targets 3.4 (promotion of well-being and mental health in libraries), 4.7 (education and acquisition of skills for sustainable development), 7.3 (effective management and use of energy in libraries), 11.6 (reduce the environmental impact of cities by waste management), 11.7 (universal access to safe and inclusive public spaces), 12.5 (libraries as a platform to disseminate information and to increase awareness of sustainable development and climate change), 12.8 (information for sustainable lifestyles), 13.3 (enhancement of awareness raising and institutional capacity on climate change), 16.10 (public access to information), 17.14 (incorporate sustainable development considerations into library policies), and 17.17 (libraries’ partnerships with international organisations, local and regional groups and communities to further contribute to the SDGs).